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Costa Coffee Signature Blend Review

Costa coffee is one of the UK’s most popular chain coffee houses. They bring rich, nutty flavoured coffee to the UK in conveniently placed stores all across the country. 

But now, with their signature blend coffee beans, you can brew the perfect Costa Coffee from the comfort of your own home! 

What is Costa Coffee Signature Blend?

Costa coffee’s signature blend beans are actually a combination of high quality Arabica and Robusta coffee bean varieties. The idea behind combining robusta with arabica isn’t a revolutionary idea, but it generally gives a stronger, more robust flavor to the blend. 

The thing to remember here is that Costa coffee is a huge chain that mass produces millions of cups of coffee every day. They need a blend that is repeatable, pleases the masses and is also recognizable so they can stand out from the competition. 

In theory, the addition of robusta beans to the Costa coffee signature blend should add more acidity, more caffeine and a darker, earthier flavor. 

If you would like to purchase Costa Coffee’s Signature Blend, you can do this via the Amazon link here: 

Who Should Buy Costa Coffee Signature Blend?

If you love the taste of Costa coffee and want to replicate their nutty, caramel flavoured espresso from the comfort of your own home, then buying their whole bean signature blend is definitely a good idea. 

Costa offers a wide range of blends, distinguishing between long and short coffees, as well as offering blends from Brazil and Columbia. It is definitely worth shopping around on their website to see if any of these alternative blends take your fancy.  

How Does It Taste?

The first thing that strikes you when you open a bag of Costa Coffee Signature Blend beans, is the rich, nutty flavour notes that hit your nose! The smell is delicious and sets the tone for the drinking experience to come. 

One thing that I always find with Costa coffee, especially when compared to the likes of Caffe Nero or even Starbucks, is that their espresso tends to taste a lot smoother and more subtle. 

This is definitely true of their signature blend coffee beans, even when you brew them from home. 

I have tried them both in the french press and espresso machine, and the resulting taste is relatively similar. 

Costa Coffee Signature Blend coffee beans offer a smooth drinking experience. The predominant flavors are semi sweet caramel with a nutty aftertaste. Despite including robusta beans, this blend didn’t create the strongest or most bitter espresso I’ve tried. 

Costa clearly likes to emphasize the smoothness of their coffee’s flavor rather than the bitterness that is generally associated with robusta beans. 

Who Are Costa Coffee?

Costa coffee is a British coffee chain headquartered in Dunstable, England. They were founded in 1971 by Sergio Costa “as a wholesale operation supplying roasted coffee to caterers and specialist Italian coffee shops” – Costa Coffee Wikipedia.

Costa coffee was sold from Whitbread to Coca Cola in 2019 for almost £4bn, and now operates in over 30 countries. 

As per Statista, Costa Coffee is the UK’s leading coffee chain, with 2,792 stores across the country. 

Costa Coffee Signature Blend Alternatives

Since Costa’s signature blend is a popular choice for the home coffee brewer looking to replicate their favorite coffee shop’s espresso from home, here are a few alternative house blends to try: 

Starbucks House Blend Medium Roast

Caffe Nero Classico Original Blend


Overall, Costa coffee’s signature blend of coffee beans are refreshingly subtle in flavor, despite their use of robusta beans. There is a low key kick on the finish, but in general, these are relatively sweet, nutty coffee beans that have caramel as their dominant flavor. 

Related Questions

What is Costa Signature Coffee?

Costa’s signature blend is a combination of high quality arabica and robusta beans. The addition of robusta beans gives the coffee a slightly more acidic and bitter taste, but it still remains sweet and subtle overall.

How To Make Costa Signature Blend?

If you want to replicate Costa’s brewing from home with their signature blend coffee, you’ll need to do so using a double espresso. However, these beans also work perfectly well with a coarser grind in a french press or V60 filter. 

What Strength is Costa Signature Blend?

Costa coffee rates their signature blend of beans as a No.3 strength rating, out of 5. This is the middle of the road. These beans are robust enough to stand up to milk and sugar, but are not overpowering or overly bitter. 

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