Bored of Your Regular Cappuccino? Try These 5 Alternatives! 

The Cappuccino is one of the most popular coffee based drinks out there! Cappuccinos have a long, rich history and have a reputation for being silky smooth, multilayered and delicious! 

But, if you are bored of your regular cappuccino, there are actually a number of variations you can try. Afterall, coffee should be enjoyed every day, not become a chore. 

So, if you are interested in finding out more about different types of cappuccino and how you can change things up to keep your morning coffee fresh and interesting, you’ve come to the right place! 

What is a Cappuccino? 

A cappuccino is a coffee drink made from a double shot of espresso (typically made from dark roasted coffee beans), hot, steamed milk and milk foam. A cappuccino is made using ⅓ espresso, ⅓ steamed milk, and ⅓ milk foam. 

Whilst the traditional cappuccino recipe calls for equal measurements of espresso, steamed milk and foam, the ratios and ingredients can be altered to suit the drinker. Some people prefer a single shot of espresso as opposed to a double, some prefer less foam and some prefer using milk alternatives.

As we will explore later on in this article, there are a number of great cappuccino alternatives to try if you are bored of the regular version. However, they all follow the same formula of combining fluffy foam, silky smooth milk and bold espresso! 

How is a Cappuccino Made? 

Cappuccinos are pretty straightforward to make, despite being layered drinks that taste so amazing! 

The secret behind brewing the perfect cappuccino is all in the milk. Having perfectly streamed, velvet-smooth milk, along with plenty of aerated foam is the best way to ensure you make the perfect, layered cappuccino. 

Simply pull your shot (or two) of dark roasted espresso, top this with an equal quantity (approximately 2 oz) of steamed milk, then finish with a generous 2 oz helping of foam. Whilst latte art can be added to a cappuccino, this is generally reserved for flat whites, cortados and of course lattes themselves. 

If you want a more detailed look at how to make an amazing Cappuccino from home, check out my article specifically about this here

Cappuccino Alternatives You Should Try

So, if you are bored of your regular cappuccino order at your local coffee shop and want to try something different, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 5 alternatives that every cappuccino lover should try!   

1. Flavoured Cappuccino

The quickest and easiest way to add a bit of variety to your regular cappuccino is with the help of flavored syrups. These are great for customizing cappuccinos and mean you can pimp any coffee based drink you want to make it taste even better! 

Most flavored syrups come in sugar free form too, meaning you can add flavor to your cappuccino without any additional calories! 

Some of the most popular flavors added to cappuccinos include: 

  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla
  • Peppermint
  • Caramel
  • Cinnamon 
  • Mixed fruits
  • Toffee. 

If you are looking to try out flavored coffee syrups for yourself, check out these options on Amazon

2. Wet Cappuccino

A ‘wet cappuccino’ may sound like quite a strange name for a coffee based drink. Afterall, aren’t all coffees technically wet?!

Well, the term ‘wet cappuccino’ refers to an altered version of a regular cappuccino, which has a higher ratio of steamed milk and a lower ratio of foam. This makes a wet cappuccino relatively similar to a latte, but it still contains a little bit more foam overall. 

If you think about it, technically the relatively high volume of foam used to make a traditional cappuccino means you are drinking less liquid overall compared to a latte for example. You will have the residual foam left at the bottom of your cup, that is often scooped up and enjoyed at the end. 

But, all that room in your coffee cup is being taken up by foam, rather than milk or espresso. So, increasing the amount of steamed milk used in a wet latte, does actually mean you’re consuming more liquid than foam. So, whilst the term ‘wet cappuccino’ sounds a bit odd, it does actually make sense! 

3. Dry Cappuccino

A ‘dry cappuccino’ takes the same philosophy used to make a wet cappuccino, but increases the ratio of foam, whilst decreasing the ratio of steamed milk. A dry cappuccino gets its name from the lack of steamed milk and hefty helping of foam that tops the double shot of espresso. 

Since milk foam is heavily aerated and therefore doesn’t contain much liquid, using such a large amount of it with just a small 2 oz double shot of espresso makes a dry cappuccino quite a strong coffee. 

Also, the drinking experience is quite different to a regular cappuccino

You’ll find that the strong, earthy, bitter espresso cuts through the foam and doesn’t take much of it along for the ride before entering your mouth! Whilst there is a small layer of steamed milk between espresso and foam, this doesn’t do much to offset the coffee’s natural bitterness! Therefore, a dry cappuccino is a much stronger drink that you have to really mix up a lot to combine the foam and espresso together. 

4. Bone Dry Cappuccino

If you want to take the dry element of a cappuccino to the next level, you can try a ‘bone dry cappuccino’. 

This variation of the cappuccino sees absolutely no steamed milk added to the espresso whatsoever, with just a thick layer of foam sitting on top.

You can think of a bone dry cappuccino like a macchiato’s big brother. Both drinks contain a double shot of espresso and are topped with foam, except a macchiato only contains a spoonful of foam, and a bone dry cappuccino contains around 4 fl oz worth! 

5. Iced Cappuccino

Whilst iced cappuccinos are not quite as popular as iced lattes, they are still sweet, refreshing and delicious! 

This chilled variant of the traditional cappuccino combines cold milk, a double shot of espresso, sugar, ice cubes and foam to create a sweet treat! Just like any form of iced coffee, iced cappuccinos can be customized using flavored syrups, but they tend to be combined with sweeter flavors than a traditional iced latte for example. 


Overall, cappuccinos come in a range of shapes and sizes, depending on how much steamed milk and foam are added to the traditional double shot of espresso. Iced cappuccinos, wet cappuccinos, dry and bone dry cappuccinos are all alternatives to the original that every coffee lover should try! 

Related Questions 

Is a Wet Cappuccino the Same as a Latte? 

A wet cappuccino differs from a latte because it still contains slightly more foam, and slightly less steamed milk. 

What is a Cappuccino without Foam Called? 

A cappuccino that is served without foam on top is essentially a smaller version of a latte (quite close to a cortado). This drink would typically be called a small, wet latte. 


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