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Why You Should Replace Your French Press Filter

The French press is such a popular device for brewing coffee due to its simplicity, ease of use and affordability.

However, just because your humble French press is incredibly accessible and inexpensive to buy, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look after it! 

You should replace your French press filter when it becomes damaged or clogs up with residue, as this will lead to potentially bitter coffee and sediment ending up in your cup!

The filter in your French press is a key part of the device that separates the coffee grounds from your favourite cup. Therefore, understanding when it needs replacing will help improve your brewing performance!

What is a French Press Filter? 

The filter in your French is the metal mesh disk that sits between the cross plate and spiral plate. This is effectively the strainer that stops your immersion brewed coffee grounds entering your cup. 

Your French press filter is a very important part of your traditional brewing device, and should be treated with care and attention as a result. 

Check out this article I wrote about how to clean and maintain your French press properly!

How Often Should You Replace Your French Press Filter? 

You may have never even thought about replacing your French press filter before. It is easy to forget that the filter itself is the main component that makes a French press do its thing, so taking good care of it will pay dividends. 

This is especially true if you use your French press on a daily basis. Consistent use can lead to fraying or damage to the filter, which leads to lower quality results. 

If you experience any of the following issues with your French press filter, it’s time to replace it: 

  • Fraying around the edges
  • A significant cut or rip in the mesh filter
  • Residue is stuck in the mesh
  • If there is staining to the filter that can’t be removed, even after cleaning. 

Some French press models that have a larger capacity or simply are built to a higher specification may have two mesh filters rather than one. In this case, you may want to replace one of your filters if it has been lost or damaged to maintain perfect brewing! 

It is also worth giving your spital plate and cross plate a good once over whilst you are checking the health of your French press filter. Any damage to these will also not help your ability to brew great coffee. 

How to Replace Your French Press Filter

Once you have recognised that it’s time to replace your French press filter, you’ll need to dismantle your French press. 

To do this, simply take out your plunger and unscrew your rod from the bottom of the device. 

Hold the bottom of your French press plunger (containing your filter(s), spiral plate and cross plate) and unscrew the top of your plunger until all elements come apart. 

Then, simply remove your old mesh filter and replace it with a brand new one! 

Not replacing your French press filter will won’t help your chances of making great coffee on a daily basis. Check out these 13 other common French press mistakes to avoid

French Press Filter Sizes

Looking to replace your French Press filter and aren’t too sure which size to go for? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! 

The most common sizes of French press filter are: 

  • 2.75 Inch (for 12 Oz French Press)
  • 3.75 Inch (for 32 Oz French Press)
  • 4 Inch (for 34 Oz French Press)
  • 4.5 Inch (for 51 Oz French Press). 

The best thing to do before buying your French press filter replacement is to actually measure the diameter of your old filter to determine which size is right for you. 

If you are looking to buy French press replacement filters, check out these options on Amazon: 

6 Boao French Press Filter Replacements

6 Attsky French Press Filters

Meelio 6 French Press Replacement Filters

If you need to replace your spiral plate, filter and spiral plate all at once, here is an easy option to go for on Amazon: 

French Press Filter Replacement Parts – 3 Pcs Stainless Steel Set Containing Spiral Disk, Mesh French Press Screen, and Cross Disk for 3.75 Inch Wide

Here are a few option if you need an entire French press replacement: 

BAYKA French Press Coffee Maker

Utopia Kitchen French Press

Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press

Secura 304 Grade Stainless Steel Insulated French Press 


Overall, just because your humble French press is a simple, easy to use coffee brewing device, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look after it properly! Your French press filter is a key part of the plunger that keeps your device running smoothly, and every now and then it needs replacing. 

So, I hope this guide has given you all the details you need to bring your French press a new lease of life! 

Related Questions

How to Make Coffee in a French Press

French press brewing requires coarsely ground coffee beans, hot water and a bit of patience. 

Simply pour in your ground coffee (and add a splash of cold water to protect the grounds), then pour over hot water and stir any crust the forms gently. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes and then pour away! 

Check out this article for a fully detailed, step by step breakdown of how to make the perfect cup of coffee using a French press

How to Clean a French Press

Just like replacing damaged or dirty parts of your French press will improve its performance, learning how to clean and maintain your French press properly will help you brew great tasting coffee every morning!

You should clean your French press after every use for the best results, using warm soapy water to ensure all parts of the device are free of oils and debris. Make sure your French press is completely dry before storing it away too, otherwise it could go mouldy and rancid! 

What are the Best Coffee Beans for French Press?

Understanding French press technique and maintenance is fundamental to great brewing. However, opting for beans that compliment the French presses immersion coffee extraction method will give you the best results. 

Generally speaking, beans that are medium or dark roasted, with nutty, smokey and chocolate flavour notes tend to work best. 

Fantastic coffee always starts with the beans, so check out this article for more information on the best coffee beans to buy for your French press

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